Welcome to Year 1

In Year 1 -

We aim to build each child’s independence and help them to form secure relationships which we believe is an essential part of every child’s learning journey.

We understand that every child is unique and we strive to celebrate your child’s many different talents and successes. Most importantly we like to make learning fun.

We understand the importance of parents and the pivotal role they have in enhancing their child's learning. If you have any concerns or questions, please speak with the person on duty at the gate in the morning or ring school and the teachers will ring you back as soon as possible. 

  • Your child still needs to bring their bookbag every day. We read with the children in school and change books as often as possible. Please read the same book as much as possible and ask your child lots of questions.
  • Please send children to school in their PE clothes on a Monday.
  • In the morning send your child through the front gate by themselves. We will be ready to meet them in class.
  • Homework will be given on a Friday and must be handed in on a Monday or Tuesday.

In maths in Autumn we have been learning about the composition of numbers 0-5 and shape. We have used pattern blocks to copy and construct patterns, working on our spatial awareness. 

In English we have been reading and writing non-fiction texts. We had a visit from the fire brigade to talk about how firefighting was different during the time of The Great Fire of London. This, along with everything we had learned in History helped us to write a non-fiction text about The Great Fire of London.

We had a visit from Rodney, Mrs Richards' horse and her guinea pigs, as part of our animals topic in Science. We found out about keeping pets and what different features animals have.  

In Geography we have been singing songs to help us remember the names of the continents and oceans. 



Look at our Artwork below. We have been using materials to make different marks and we put all of these together to create a self portrait like Vincent Van Gogh did. 

"We found out that our eyes aren't circles, and I will always do my mouth with lips now" Saffa





Below are some useful websites for practising phonics and some further information.




Please click on the test papers below to practice the tests. You will need Adobe reader to open them. Any problems, please ask a teacher.

Phonics Screening Mock Tests

Year 1 Team

Mrs H. Southern

Mrs H. Southern


Miss J. Nicholls

Miss J. Nicholls

Teaching Assistant 1S

Mrs S. Khan

Mrs S. Khan

Teaching Assistant 1R

Mrs A. Garbos

Mrs A. Garbos

Teaching Assistant 1R

Miss S. Alderson

Miss S. Alderson

Teacher 1R